A full 25h or 100h service inspection on MTO, MTO Sport models requires approx. 8-10 hrs. Rate of our professional gyro mechanic $110 p/hrs
1 year / 100h SERVICE
A full 25h or 100h service inspection on any Calidus and Cavalon models requires approx. 10-14 hrs. Rate of our professional gyro mechanic $110 p/hrs
For all mechanical work/repairs/ services we charge an hourly rate:
$110 per hour professional gyroplane mechanic
$139 per hour Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (LAME)
Costs for parts, aircraft transportation and hangar fees are not included.
Teeterbolt-kit Replacement
Including: Fitting of a new Teeter bolt, castle nut, split pin, 2x bridge Teflon-bushes, 2x tower Teflon-bushes.
A new teeter bolt and bushes can make a huge difference and reduce stick-shake on your gyrocopter. Factory recommended replacement time is every 200h or earlier, if stick-shake is pronounced.

Windscreens Fix
Front or rear, new Wind Screen Replacements for MTO Sport models. Fitted.
Propeller Replacement with Bolly Carbon Fibre Propeller
Including new Bolly Propeller (3-Blades), spacer disc, screws, hub, removal of old Propeller, fitting of new Propeller, pitch adjustments and measurements.

Filter Drier Replacement
The filter drier in a gyrocopter is an essential part of the pneumatic pre-rotating system and often neglected. Not changing it can cause substantial problems in the pre-rotating and trim activation (just read the forums about it!). Recommended replacement is every 200 hours.

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